Contact Us

All email correspondences can be sent to Husker Mail

Alumni Liaison/Chapter Coordinator.......... Roy Fiala
Watch Party Coordinator.......................... Roy Fiala and Joe Uphoff
Communication Coordinator..................... Lynda Laferla
Financial Coordinator............................... Susie McCue
Special Events Coordinator....................... Linda Schwartz
Website Coordinator................................ Joe Uphoff
Scholarship Coordinator........................... Linda Schwartz

Advertise On Our Website!

Interested in advertising on Houstonians for Huskers Alumni Chapter website?

Our demographic is made up of well-educated and well-rounded individuals covering a wide range of ages, from recent college graduates to thriving entrepreneurs to retired individuals.

Your advertising will help provide financial support for our University-endorsed, but completely self-funded Alumni Chapter.

Send us an email to discover an affordable way to advertise!
